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AAS Detection Solutions, AAS, Schoten, Gas detection expert, fixed gas detection, portable gas detection, single gas, mulit gas, sensit technologies, est cal, znose, eletronic sensor technologies, igd, international gas detector, gas sensors, gas detection sensors, sensors, oxygen sensor, co sensor, h2s sensor

AAS Detection Solutions

Gas Detection Expert

AAS Detection Solutions is a provider of fixed and mobile gas detection systems, active in Europe with regard to safety technology. AAS Detection Solutions is an expert in the field of gas detection with over 30 years experience nationally as well as internationally. We offer an expertise with a strong background and competence in the field of gas detection. AAS helps you to protect and support people in their daily work in industry, gas leak survey and fire & rescue.
Our Solutions
AAS News Update​​
sensors, gas detections sensors, webshop, alphasense, nemoto, dd scientific, dd-scientific, nemoto gas sensor, alphasense gas sensore, dd-scientific gas sensor, oxygen gas sensor, CO2 gas sensor, O2 gas sensor, carbon monoxide gas sensor, H2S gas sensor, hydrogen sulfide gas sensor
EST, Gas detection, gas chromatography, znose, 21st century sniffer dog, sniffer dog, drug locating, drug detection, partable gc, fast gc, explosives detection, finding hidden explosives, airport screening, border patrol, drug smuggling, cargo transport screening, airport sreening, znose model 4600, electronic sensor technology
Gas detection portables & fixed

SENSIT Technologies


Specialized Gas Leak Detection manufacterer for the Oil and Natural Gas Industry.

International Gas Detectors


Addressable Fixed Gas Detection Systems for Car Parks, Industry, and Commercial applications.



One of a kind ATEX certified Infrared Gas Leak Camera.

Sensit Technologies, Gas detection, gas leak detection, webshop, combustible gas leak detection, toxic gas, portable, pipeline locator, natural gas, vehicle mounted methane detectors, HXG-3P, Gold G2, HXG-2d, APL, VMD, IRED, Track-it, P100, P400, gas detector, gas leak detector, portable gas leak detector, gasleak detector, bar hole testing equipment, leak survey, gas leak pinpointing, inert gas detection
IGD, gas detection, fixed gas detection, international gas detectors, toxic gases, combustible gases, car parks, industry, refineries, gas detector
Opgal, gas detection, EyeCGas, ATEX IR Gas imaging camera, infrared gas imaging camera, portable gas imaging camera, voc camera, combiustible gasleaks imaging camera, defense, security, oil refinery, EyeCGas CO2, EyeCGas CO, CO2 gas imaging, CO2 gas camera, CO gas imaging, CO gas camera

Electronic Sensor Technology


EST zNose Ultra-fast Portable Gas Chromatography for multiple industries.



Watchgas is a manufacturer of portable gas detectors.

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