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AAS Detection Solutions, AAS, Schoten, Gas detection expert, fixed gas detection, portable gas detection, single gas, mulit gas, sensit technologies, est cal, znose, eletronic sensor technologies, igd, international gas detector, gas sensors, gas detection sensors, sensors, oxygen sensor, co sensor, h2s sensor

Electronic Sensor Technology

Electronic Sensor Technology, Inc has developed and patented a breakthrough chemical vapor analysis process. This process applies gas chromatography calculations and technology toward a wide variety of industries, including Homeland Security, Life Sciences, Chemical and Petrochemical, Food & Beverage and Environmental.


How does gas chromatography work?

With rapid, accurate analysis of chemical odors and vapors, this patented technology helps to provide real-time analysis for quick response solutions.

21st Century Sniffer Dog

Model 4600 Portable zNose



The Model 4600 zNose is the only mobile, small footprint analyzer on the market that can detect and analyze accurately organic, biological & chemical compounds in real time.


Find out more on how zNose is helping to detect explosives and prevent drugs and contraband smuggling.

21st Century Sniffer Dog, explosive detection, airport security, cargo container control, border control, drug detection, airport screening, terrorist screening, drug detection dog, eletronic sniffing dog, znose, est, znose model 4600

Powerful Detection Tool

The zNose® is the first electronic nose designed for a wide variety of industry applications and can detect odors and chemical vapors produced by explosives, chemical and biological weapons.


Using ultra-high speed gas chromatography, the zNose® is a powerful tool for identifying contraband of all kinds, hazardous industrial materials, improvised explosives, and flammable materials.


Anything outside standard voc regulations is easily detected by the zNose.

21st Century Sniffer Dog, explosive detection, airport security, cargo container control, border control, drug detection, airport screening, terrorist screening, drug detection dog, eletronic sniffing dog, znose, est, znose model 4600
Why use an EST gas chromatographer?

Because it is an ultra high speed gas chromatography that employs a trap and helium carrier gas to separate chemicals in near real time so that pattern recognition and trace detection can be performed in seconds.


Unlike trace detectors which only detect a few select compounds, electronic noses recognize odors and fragrances based upon their full chemical signature.


Model 4600

Model 4600

EST zNose

Model 4300

Model 4300

EST zNose

Model 4200

Model 4200

EST zNose


Homeland Security >>

Detects odors and chemical vapors produced by explosives, chemical and biological weapons


Chemical >>

Fast chemical analysis at up to parts-per-trillion sensitivity

Environmental >>

Control the level of harmful emissions into the atmosphere with real-time analysis

Life Science >>

Research labs worldwide rely on EST's technology for analysis and detection


Healthcare >>

An Efficient and Unique Healthcare Assistant

Food & Beverage >>

Real-time qualitative and quantitative analysis in a portable format

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