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AAS Detection Solutions, AAS, Schoten, Gas detection expert, fixed gas detection, portable gas detection, single gas, mulit gas, sensit technologies, est cal, znose, eletronic sensor technologies, igd, international gas detector, gas sensors, gas detection sensors, sensors, oxygen sensor, co sensor, h2s sensor

EyeCGas® - Infrared Gas Leak Detector

Thermal Imagers are sensitive to the Infrared, which is a band in the electromagnetic spectrum.


Gases have their own characteristic absorption lines in the IR spectrum; VOC's and others have these lines in the region of the MWIR. The use of a thermal imager as an infrared gas leak detector adjusted to the region of interest will allow the gases to be visualized. Thermal imagers are sensitive to the absorption lines spectrum of the gases and designed to have the optical path sensitivity in correspondence with the gases in the spectrum area of interest. If a component is leaking, the emissions will absorb the IR energy, appearing as smoke black or white on the LCD screen. 


The leaking gas temperature differs from the background temperature. The radiation getting to the camera is the background radiation from the background and the radiation from the gas area which obscures the background visualizing the existence of the gas.

EyeCGas, CO2 gas camera, CO gas camera, CO IR detection, CO2 IR detection, Infrared Gas Leak Detector, gas imaging camera, IR gas camera, gas camera, gas imaging voc, gas imaging co, co gas camera, voc gas camera, detect voc gases, detect co2 gas, visualize gases, visualize gas, visualize co2, methane, propane, butane, penthane, Ethylene, 1-Hexane, Propanal, 1,3-Butadiene, 1-Butene, Methane, Propylene 1-pentene, Styrene, Toluene, Acetic acid, Xylene, 1,2-dimethyl-Benzene, Isobutylene , Isoprene, Benzene, Ethyl benzene, Ethylene oxide, Hexane, Methanol, Propylene oxide, Propylene, Ethane, Octane, Heptane, Isopropyl alcohol, MEK Methyl Ethyl Ketone 2-butanone, Propane, Butane, Pentane, ATEX gas camera, atex ir gas camera

The EyeCGas® is the only Infrared gas leak detector Camera specially designed for the Petrochemical, Gas & Oil market requirements for gas detection and Smart LDAR compliance.


The EyeCGas® allows the inspection of vast areas in a plant with an automated and simple user interface, visualizing the infrared image on a large color LCD Build-In DVR (Digital Video Recording) allows video and audio recording for up to 6 continuous hours.


Gas leak detection equipment is vital to keeping your employees, environment and product safe. EyeCGas® saves time in the search for fugitive gas leaks and provides confidence that equipment is free from leaks of methane and volatile organic compounds (VOC), CO2, CO and other gases.


  • Ideal for natural gas, oil, and petrochemical facilities. 

  • High sensitivity detector can pinpoint the smallest leaks. 

  • Detects CO as well as a wide array of other harmful gasses.

  • Detects CO2 as a tracer gas at levels as low as 3% of the total gas concentration.

  • Certified for use in hazardous environments (Class 1, Div. 2 and ATEX II), allowing the inspection at hazardous places in the plant. 

  • Implements an internal video and audio recording device. 

  • Features a large color LCD display for image and text display. 

  • Rugged and durable by design to be used as a tool in the field. 

  • Multiple lens options.

  • Enhanced image processing mode for improved gas detection.

  • Field replaceable batteries and lenses.


Rugged and durable certified for the use in hazardous locations. Simplifying and broadening opportunities for use inside the facility limits without the need of a hot work permit allowing video and audio recording while maintaining safety.




EyeCGas, Infrared Gas Leak Detector, CO leak detection, CO2 leak detection, CO2 camera, CO camera, EyeCGas Kit, Battery pack, glare shield, ATEX ir gas camera, atex gas camera, Ethylene, 1-Hexane, Propanal, 1,3-Butadiene, 1-Butene, Methane, Propylene 1-pentene, Styrene, Toluene, Acetic acid, Xylene, 1,2-dimethyl-Benzene, Isobutylene , Isoprene, Benzene, Ethyl benzene, Ethylene oxide, Hexane, Methanol, Propylene oxide, Propylene, Ethane, Octane, Heptane, Isopropyl alcohol, MEK Methyl Ethyl Ketone 2-butanone, Propane, Butane, Pentane, visualize gases, CO2


  • Refineries, well heads, storage tanks, transmission pipes, compressor stations, process towers, gas stations, LNG terminals, underground storage tanks, bio-gas and landfills, offshore oil rigs, smart LDAR, etc.


EyeCGas CO

  • Steel manufacturing, food packaging, pharmaceutical, industrial vent stacks monitoring, and microelectronics applications.


EyeCGas CO2

  • Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) operations, power generation plants, and detection of CO2 as a byproduct in industrial processes.



EyeCGas® Kit

EyeCGas™ default kit includes the following:

  • Camera- gas leak detector camera with 30mm Lens

  • Batteries – 3 Li-Ion rechargable batteries

  • Batteries – Batteries Charger

  • Glare Shield – Add-on glare shield with embedded magnifying glass

  • Head Set- Helmet Clip-on set with audio speakers and microphone

  • Software – CD with ArtSoft software GUI application

  • Manual- User manual

  • Strap – Neck strap

  • Cables – Power and Comm cables

  • Case – Carrying case


Available accessories are:

  • 75mm Lens – Long Range optional 75mm Lens

  • Battery Power Supply Adaptor – AC adaptor for camera operation

  • BNC Video Adaptor - for analog video output

EyeCGas, Infrared Gas Leak Detector CO2 detection camera, CO detection camera, CO camera, CO2 camera, CO gas camera, CO2 gas camera ,EyeCGas Kit, Battery pack, glare shield, ATEX ir gas camera, atex gas camera, Ethylene, 1-Hexane, Propanal, 1,3-Butadiene, 1-Butene, Methane, Propylene 1-pentene, Styrene, Toluene, Acetic acid, Xylene, 1,2-dimethyl-Benzene, Isobutylene , Isoprene, Benzene, Ethyl benzene, Ethylene oxide, Hexane, Methanol, Propylene oxide, Propylene, Ethane, Octane, Heptane, Isopropyl alcohol, MEK Methyl Ethyl Ketone 2-butanone, Propane, Butane, Pentane, visualize gases, CO2
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