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WatchGas NEO PID 3 versions PPM - PPB - Compound specific


WatchGas NEO


The WatchGas NEO is one of the most advanced handheld VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) monitors available for ppb (parts per billion) detection.


VOCs include a variety of chemicals such as benzene, alcohols, fuels, paint thinners, industrial solvents and many others, which can have short and long-term adverse health effects. Measuring these compounds is essential for worker protection in industries like oil & gas, fire & hazmat, pharmaceuticals, paints & adhesives, and many others. In addition, VOC monitoring is useful chemical process control, detecting leaks and other releases to the environment, and in measuring indoor air quality.


The NEO offers several models from the most sensitive 1 ppb to a high range up to 15,000 ppm for different applications, and a benzene-specific version (NEO BENZ).


Novel designs of the Photo-ionization Detector (PID) and Ultraviolet (UV) lamp provide outstanding sensitivity, stability and reproducibility. Options include real-time data monitoring with a built- in wireless modem using WatchGas Suite application software.

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  • Most accurate and more linear than comparable PIDs

  • Most stable ppb-level PID on the market

  • Outstanding linearity over full measurement range

  • Easy charging on laptop or other USB port

  • USB Micro Charger; combination USB-m charging

    and communications cable

  • Powerful battery (run time 24 hours)

  • Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) connectivity standard

  • Wireless communication

  • Large backlight graphic display

  • Lamp glow indicator

  • Rugged high quality plastic housing with rubber

  • IP66

  • ATEX, UL, IECEx & CE certified Ex ia IIC T4 Ga

Application Examples

• Confined space measurement
• Measurement in low (ppb) ranges



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Also available Benzene specific monitor
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