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AAS Detection Solutions, AAS, Schoten, Gas detection expert, fixed gas detection, portable gas detection, single gas, mulit gas, sensit technologies, est cal, znose, eletronic sensor technologies, igd, international gas detector, gas sensors, gas detection sensors, sensors, oxygen sensor, co sensor, h2s sensor

zNose Industry Solutions

21st Century Sniffer Dog, znose, detecting explosives, TNT detector, sarin detector, bomb detector, airport protection, bagage screening

Electronic Sensor Technology, Inc has developed and patented a breakthrough chemical vapor analysis process. This process applies gas chromatography calculations and technology toward a wide variety of industries, including Homeland Security, Life Sciences, Chemical and Petrochemical, Food & Beverage and Environmental.


The Model 4600 zNose is the only mobile, small footprint analyzer on the market that can detect and analyze accurately organic, biological & chemical compounds in real time.

Featured Application

Explosive Detection

EST zNose is a unique solution for detecting explosives easily, fast and safe.

The Model 4600 offers portable ultrafast GC in near real time that can be used by security personnel to screen even the most difficult to reach areas.

Whether it is to screen a vehicle, a cargo container or a simple handbag.


The Model 4600 is attached on a handy portable roller case that can easily detach the sampling nose. Sample the trunk of a car or the rear seats to find out where explosives might be hidden or where explosives were present in the past.


To sample a difficult to reach location, use the remote sampling kit to sample for example at ventilation ducts from cargo containers. Afterwards, simply place the sample tube in the detector and press run on the screen.


The zNose Model 4600 can detect odors up to ppt level in near real time making it a valuable tool for security personnel.

21st Century Sniffer Dog, znose, detecting explosives, TNT detector, sarin detector, bomb detector, airport protection, bagage screening
Detectable Common Energetic Compounds In Explosives 

















User Interface Example Tetryl Detection
21st Century Sniffer Dog, znose, detecting explosives, TNT detector, sarin detector, bomb detector, airport protection, bagage screening
Field Operation Video

Detection demonstration of TNT in a car starts at 3 minutes 20 seconds.


Homeland Security

Homeland Security

Powerful Detection Tool for Security Applications.


The zNose® is the first electronic nose designed for security applications and can detect anything outside standard voc regulations. The chemical vapors and odors that are produced by explosives, chemical and biological hazards are identified using ultra-high speed gas chromatography.

21st Century Sniffer Dog, electronic sniffer, electronic sniffer dog, znose, detecting explosives, TNT detector, sarin detector, bomb detector, airport protection, bagage screening, baggage check, baggage control, drugs, contraband, explosives, border security, port and cargo security, airport security, screening
21st Century Sniffer Dog, znose, detecting explosives, TNT detector, sarin detector, bomb detector, airport protection, bagage screening, airport security, baggage check, baggage control, drugs, contraband, explosives
21st Century Sniffer Dog, znose, detecting explosives, TNT detector, sarin detector, bomb detector, airport protection, bagage screening, baggage check, baggage control, drugs, contraband, explosives, port and cargo security, airport security, homeland security, border security
Building Security

Screen and monitor public buildings and transportation facilities.

Analyze suspicious odors and hazardous industrial materials.

Provide sensitive and rapid warning for fixed sites (government buildings, subway stations, financial centers, high-value industries).


Port and Cargo Security

Incoming shipments are analyzed for potential threats by EST's technology. Explosives, narcotics, and other contraband are detected and identified upon homeland entry. Additional zNose applications include:

Search cargo containers and vehicles for contraband

Detect hidden explosives and chemical weapons

 Airport Security

Screen departing passengers and luggage.

Complements existing screening technologies.

Screen and monitor facilities for chemical odors.

Monitor for improvised explosives and contraband.



Speedy Analysis with Extraordinary Chemical Sensitivity.


EST solutions provide fast chemical analysis at concentrations as low as one parts-per-trillion sensitivity for qualitative and quantitative analyses. The zNose® has consistently proven itself as an efficient and effective volatile organic compound detector in both Chemical and Petrochemical settings, producing lightning-fast results at up to parts-per-trillion sensitivity. It is used by a wide variety of businesses for its gas detection voc capabilities, including process control and in situ chemical analysis.

21st Century Sniffer Dog, electronic sniffer, electronic sniffer dog, znose, dtecting odors from plastics, chemical analysis, detecting explosives, TNT detector, sarin detector, bomb detector, airport protection, bagage screening, baggage check, baggage control, drugs, contraband, explosives, border security, port and cargo security, airport security, screening
21st Century Sniffer Dog, electronic sniffer, electronic sniffer dog, znose, dtecting odors from plastics, chemical analysis, detecting explosives, TNT detector, sarin detector, bomb detector, airport protection, bagage screening, baggage check, baggage control, drugs, contraband, explosives, border security, port and cargo security, airport security, screening, fuel analysis, monitor by-products of remidiation
21st Century Sniffer Dog, eletronic nose, electronic sniffer, electronic sniffer dog, znose, detecting explosives, TNT detector, sarin detector, bomb detector, airport protection, bagage screening, baggage check, baggage control, drugs, contraband, explosives, port and cargo security, airport security, homeland security, border security, fuels, fragrance, plastics, quality control testing for perfume production process, monitor by-products remidation, detect odors from plastics

The zNose® has consistently proven itself as an efficient and effective volatile organic compound detector in both Chemical and Petrochemical settings, producing lightning-fast results at up to parts-per-trillion sensitivity. It is used by a wide variety of businesses for its gas detection voc capabilities, including process control, in situ chemical analysis odor detection from plastics. 


Fast Fuel Detection.

The zNose® is a volatile organic compound detector that produces rapid results. This proven technology is an efficient and an effective technology that uses its gas detection voc capabilities for natural gas detections and fuel sample analysis.


The zNose® is an electronic nose designed for a variety of chemical analysis applications, such as fragrance and fleuressence analysis. With parts-per-trillion sensitivity, the zNose can detect odors and chemical vapors as well as produce olfactory images based upon aroma chemistry.



Regulatory Compliance and Hazard Remediation.


The zNose gas detection voc capabilities can be applied to chemical analysis of air, water and soil, as well as odor management and remediation. The zNose volatile organic compound detector provides a parts-per-trillion sensitivity and can detect odors and chemical vapors effectively and efficiently.

21st Century Sniffer Dog, znose, detecting explosives, TNT detector, sarin detector, bomb detector, airport protection, bagage screening, baggage check, baggage control, drugs, contraband, explosives, border security, port and cargo security, airport security, screening, air water and soil, voc gas detection, chemical analysis of air water and soil
21st Century Sniffer Dog, znose, detecting explosives, TNT detector, sarin detector, bomb detector, airport protection, bagage screening, airport security, baggage check, baggage control, drugs, contraband, explosives, odors, chemical analysis odor, odor management solutions
Air, Water and Soil

Environmental applications such as air, water and soil analysis are easily performed by the zNose volatile organic compound detector. Detecting odors and chemical vapors is quick and easy for the zNose electronic nose and its gas detection voc capabilities can be applied to chemical analysis of air, water and soil for odor management and remediation projects.

Odor Management

The zNose® is an electronic nose designed for a variety of chemical analysis applications, such as fragrance and fleuressence analysis. With parts-per-trillion sensitivity, the zNose can detect odors and chemical vapors as well as produce olfactory images based upon aroma chemistry.

Life Science

Life Science

Fast Analysis of Aromatic Signatures and Medical Applications.


The zNose® is an odor detector designed for a life sciences analysis applications and can detect odors and chemical vapors using various types of chromatography with lightning fast results. With parts-per-trillion sensitivity, the zNose performs analyses for plant, animal, health, bacteria and mold purposes.

21st Century Sniffer Dog, electronic sniffer, electronic sniffer dog, znose, dtecting odors from plastics, chemical analysis, detecting explosives, TNT detector, sarin detector, bomb detector, airport protection, bagage screening, baggage check, baggage control, drugs, contraband, explosives, border security, port and cargo security, airport security, screening, life science, animals, health
21st Century Sniffer Dog, electronic sniffer, electronic sniffer dog, znose, dtecting odors from plastics, chemical analysis, detecting explosives, TNT detector, sarin detector, bomb detector, airport protection, bagage screening, baggage check, baggage control, drugs, contraband, explosives, border security, port and cargo security, airport security, screening, fuel analysis, monitor by-products of remidiation, life science, animals, plants, health
21st Century Sniffer Dog, eletronic nose, electronic sniffer, electronic sniffer dog, znose, detecting explosives, TNT detector, sarin detector, bomb detector, airport protection, bagage screening, baggage check, baggage control, drugs, contraband, explosives, port and cargo security, airport security, homeland security, border security, fuels, fragrance, plastics, quality control testing for perfume production process, monitor by-products remidation, detect odors from plastics, bacteria and molds detection, life science, health, animals

The zNose® is a portable electronic nose designed for a life sciences analysis applications so that food quality and ripeness can be easily measured via a chemical analysis. Using various types of chromatography, the zNose can detect with odors and chemical vapors with lightning fast results.


With parts-per-trillion sensitivity, the zNose chemical analysis can be used in the field to study scent marks as a way of determining species, sex and reproductive status. This portable electronic nose can be applied for a variety of life sciences analysis applications. Using gas chromatography, the zNose detects chemical vapors and odors with lightning fast results.

Bacteria and Molds

The zNose® can detect the presence of mold and bacteria with its portable electronic nose technology. The zNose chemical analysis process is designed for a variety of life sciences analysis applications and can detect odors and chemical vapors using various types of chromatography with rapid results.



An Efficient and Unique Healthcare Assistant


zNose® effectively performs analytical measurements of biological odors in a cost-effective manner with speed and accuracy. It also detects odor signatures of antiseptic products that help in maintaining sterile conditions.

Analyzes the chemical composition of blood, urine and body fluids with precision and speed.

21st Century Sniffer Dog, electronic sniffer, electronic sniffer dog, znose, dtecting odors from plastics, chemical analysis, detecting explosives, TNT detector, sarin detector, bomb detector, airport protection, bagage screening, baggage check, baggage control, drugs, contraband, explosives, border security, port and cargo security, airport security, screening, life science, animals, health
21st Century Sniffer Dog, electronic sniffer, electronic sniffer dog, znose, dtecting odors from plastics, chemical analysis, detecting explosives, TNT detector, sarin detector, bomb detector, airport protection, bagage screening, baggage check, baggage control, drugs, contraband, explosives, border security, port and cargo security, airport security, screening, fuel analysis, monitor by-products of remidiation, life science, animals, plants, health

Using the science of gas chromatography, zNose® rapidly performs analytical measurements, cost-effectively on biological samples in real time. It helps in: performing analytical measurements of blood, urine, stool, etc. , classifies the amino acids by molecular weights, segregate and quantifies the organic chemistry of biological odors and measures the levels of haemoglobin.


zNose® sniffs the good and bad aroma of the atmosphere with its parts-per-trillion sensitivity using uItra-fast gas chromatography and SAW detector. It also helps in: detecting odor signatures of antiseptic soaps and lotion, identifies the unhygienic odor of surroundings, identifies the unhygienic odor of surroundings and sniffs the presence of contagious viruses in air.


Food and Beverages

Food and Beverages

Food Quality and Chemical Composition Analysis.


The zNose® is an electronic nose designed for a variety of chemical analysis applications and can detect odors and chemical vapors with quick fast results. Performing a sensory analysis of food provides food and beverage companies with real time qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis.

21st Century Sniffer Dog, znose, detecting explosives, TNT detector, sarin detector, bomb detector, airport protection, bagage screening, baggage check, baggage control, drugs, contraband, explosives, border security, port and cargo security, airport security, screening, air water and soil, voc gas detection, chemical analysis of air water and soil, aroma analysis, food and beverages chemical analysis
21st Century Sniffer Dog, znose, detecting explosives, TNT detector, sarin detector, bomb detector, airport protection, bagage screening, airport security, baggage check, baggage control, drugs, contraband, explosives, odors, chemical analysis odor, odor management solutions, food and aroma, beverages analysis, food analysis, chemical analysis for food
Food Aroma

The zNose® can perform a sensory analysis of food that provides food and beverage companies with real time qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis. The zNose portable odor detector is designed for a variety of chemical analysis applications, such as food quality and ripeness that are measured by analyzing food aromas.


A sensory analysis of food can be easily performed by the zNose. This proven technology provides food and beverage companies with real time qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis. For example, the chemical composition of beverages can be identified and mapped. The zNose® electronic nose technology is designed for a variety of chemical analysis applications and can detect odors and chemical vapors with rapid results.

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